Tuesday 22 September 2020

My personal suggestion for trellechhomelearning.blogspot.com

Hi there,

I hope you are having an amazing day! I read your page here: trellechhomelearning.blogspot.com/2020/03/year-1-monday-30th-march.html, and I wanted to thank you since it gave me good information to share with my students. Nowadays it's a bit difficult to find good (and free) books about English for beginners.

While searching for other helpful resources to talk about/share with my students, I found this one: https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/learn-english-free-books/.

It is a list of free printable books for children or people who are learning to read English. I just wanted to return the favor by sharing it with you.

Also, It would be a great idea to share it on your page, I think it would be very helpful for your readers. :)
