Reception Class 24.3.20
To the Parents and children of Reception Class.
I hope you all survived the first day of learning. Just remember there are no detentions or drinking on the job!! Continue with live RWI sessions. See previous day for timings.
Mrs Garbett's Group.
Today will be the ee sound. Make 4 words with ee sound. Get your child to identify the special friends (ee) and then blend and read the word. After a few recaps you can say the word for your child to write down. Do this with the 4 words and then 1 recap word from Monday’s ay word. Mark together. Remember to use tall and short letters, (they are not all the same size. Tall letters should touch the top of the line and small letters half way. If you can see your child forming letters incorrectly, just practise a line of one of them. Dictate this sentence several times and then encourage your child to write it down- My dog got wet.
Mrs Evans group.
Today will be the sh sound. Make 4 words with sh sound. Get your child to identify the special friends (sh) and then blend and read the word. After a few recaps you can say the word for your child to write down. Do this with the 4 words and then 1 recap word from Monday’s th word. Mark together. Remember to use tall and short letters, (they are not all the same size. Tall letters should touch the top of the line and small letters half way. If you can see your child forming letters incorrectly, just practise a line of one of them. Dictate this sentence several times and then encourage your child to write it down- Get a mat. Mark together.
Mrs Miles group.
Recap all initial sounds. This is really important. Then blend and read these words-Word time 3- kit, cup, kick and up. Then dictate one word at a time and encourage your child to write it down. Mark together. Please support your child to form letters correctly with the handwriting sheet that they should have in their sound folders.
These are high frequency words (HFW) to read, they cannot sound them out. It requires lots of practise. If I give you the whole sheet, but learn 3 a week if you can. Remember that when you read with you child, encourage them to identify some of these words. So for eg. When you are reading a lovely bedtime story, encourage your child to identify I, said, like etc.
Continue with the tuck shop because that is very useful.
Practise counting back from 20, 15, 13, 11, 10 and 5.
All Children. Collect 5 objects. For eg stones or small toys and take away 1. How many are left?
Most Children. Collect 10 objects and take away 1. How many are left? Can you do this without counting all the objects. So in other words you have to know the number before 10 is 9.
Challenge. As above but use numbers to 20.
Can you draw 5 sea creatures that we have been talking about? Can you include the initial sound of these creatures?
Recap these language patterns-
Boreda- Good morning
Prynhawn da- Good afternoon
Nos da – Goodnight
Pwy wyt ti? How are you? Respond by saying bendigedig
email address is-
Thank you and keep yourselves safe.
"What do you think is the biggest waste of time?" asked the boy. "Comparing yourself to others," said the Mole. Charlie Mackesy