Tuesday 31st March 2020
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Hope you are well and keeping occupied but also taking time to look after yourselves. It has been wonderful to see the positive responses from parents and pupils about the work they have been set and carried out. Obviously in my capacity as a teacher I need to ensure work is set for your child to help them with their learning but I do appreciate that we are just starting to adapt to the situation and this can take a toll on our emotional health. Keep working hard but keep safe.
These are the activities for today:
Literacy: Practise yesterday's spellings using the pyramid activity. Just a reminder:
For example: white
L.O: To use speech marks Continuing from yesterday's work pupils can change speech that is in bubbles (the type you see in comics) to written direct speech. Here's an example:
Character here:
Sorry cant copy and paste with Blog L
Direct speech: "Hi Year Three! I hope you are all having fun at home!" wished Mickey Mouse.
Please try this website instead. Go to the right of screen when on and choose KS2 Speech bubbles to sentences Kathryn Riley Doc.
Bronze – Change the speech bubbles into direct speech
Silver – Add speech to empty bubbles and change
Gold – Create your own characters with speech and change to direct speech.
Warm up: Practise your x4 & x8 tables. Remember if you can do your x4 then just double these answers for x8. Also log in to Hwb and then click on J2E and use the
TT Blast which is an interactive game to help with times tables speed. You can access this daily to improve on score and speed.
L.O: To use the column method for subtraction by partitioning (with carrying over).
Use My Maths to revise work from yesterday on the first 2 activities then follow the next activity for carrying over. Have a go at activity 4. You can always go back to activity 3 to revise.
Bronze Level –Carry out carrying over with numbers less than 50 (e.g. 35 – 18)
Silver Level – Carry out carrying over with numbers between 50 and 100 (e.g. 92 – 43)
Gold Level - Carry out carrying over with numbers between 100 and 1000 (e.g. 1361 – 113)
L.O: To create a PowerPoint on plants. This can take few days Year 3.
Bronze Level - This can include: the parts, what is needed to keep them alive
Silver Level - This can include: the parts, what is needed to keep them alive, types of plants and how some have adapted to their habitats.
Gold Level – Use transitions and animations to improve your PowerPoints.
Daily Welsh: To learn the days of the week
Revise the days of the week.
They have been scrambled up. Unscramble them and write out, making sure they are spelled correctly.
null radnwrs thrawm rechrem aiu lus greewn