Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for week 2!
To plan and create a comic strip
This will be your Literacy for today and tomorrow. First of all, what is a comic strip? How is it different to a book or fact file or poem? Look at some examples- there are a couple below. What do you notice? Caption boxes to explain briefly what is going on or where or when the scene is taking place, speech bubbles- characters talking to each other, thought bubbles- what the characters are thinking and they are mostly pictures rather than writing. You usually find comics are rather funny or silly and colourful.
It is important that you plan your ideas first so that you know how your comic strip/page will look and be about. It will make it easier and more enjoyable for you too.
Plan what you want your comic to be about first. You may decide to turn your favourite story into a comic or you may decide to make up your own story. What characters will you include? What will the setting be? How many boxes will you have? When completing your comic, have a think how you want to set it out- landscape or portrait? Will you have different sized boxes? Will your caption boxes be in the same place each time? Don't forget to make it colourful.
Bronze- create a 4 box comic strip including 2 characters and speech
Silver- turn your favourite chapter into a comic or if creating your own story then aim for 6-8 boxes including at least 2 characters, speech and captions
Gold- turn you favourite book into a comic or if creating your own story then aim for 10 boxes including at least 2 characters, speech, captions and thought bubbles.
To interpret data
Last week you interpreted and collected data linking to pictograms. Refresh your memory about pictograms and tally charts. What did a tally do? What did the 'frequency' section mean in the table? How many lines to make a tally? What do the pictures do? You are going to look at bar graphs this week. They do the same job as a pictogram- they represent data except this time not as a picture but as a bar. Talk about the axis- the x axis along the bottom tells us what data is being collected e.g. favourite colour/ pet/ food and the y axis- the axis going up the side tells us the number of people who chose the data options. Activities are on the Year 2 shared folder on HWB.
Bronze- complete the Easter data activity
Silver- complete the favourite colour activity
Gold- complete the favourite colour activity and also the Smartie activity ( if you don't have smarties or any form of coloured treats/ use with counters or items around the house)
To understand there layers of the Rainforest
What type of climate is in the rainforest? What do you think it is like? Dry? Wet? Hot? Cold? What sort of animals live there? Where are rainforests found? You may like to have a look at some of the places where they are found including the names of them. This will be your topic work for today and tomorrow. There is a powerpoint on the Year 2 shared folder on HWB. Look through this to find out more about the different layers and what happens in each layer. I would like this to be done over 2 days as I feel it is the right amount of time for looking at and understanding the rainforest in more detail and to complete the activity. It is entirely up to you how you complete the work wether by hand through drawing/ diagrams/ poster or by computer or you may even choose to turn it crafty and make a 3D/ paint the tree/ rainforest.
Bronze- write a sentence for each of the different layers and what happens there using the powerpoint to help you
Silver- create a poster/ drawing/ diagram of the rainforest showing each of the layers and what happens in each layer including animals that live there.You may use the powerpoint to help you
Gold- create a poster/ drawing/ diagram of the rainforest showing each of the layers and what happens in each layer including animals that live there. Use your own words to describe the layers.
Daily Welsh
To ask and answer questions
Spend approx 10 minutes a day using your conversation work from Friday, or if you didn't get chance to complete it then using the word bank on the Year 2 shared folder on HWB to help you. With a family member, ask and answer the questions varying your replies, become more confident with the questions and their meaning and how to answer them. You could even add in the weather!
Don't forget Joe Wickes- The Bodycoach PE sessions every morning from 9am. Try and create your own workout for you family to complete!
Any questions please feel free to email me and as always, please send over or upload any work you would like me to see!
Mrs. Hassall