Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Year 5 31.03.20

Today's tasks are on Google Classroom from 9am - full instructions attached to each posted assignment. If for any reason the online documents don't work, or you would prefer to work offline some of the time, it is absolutely fine to complete a task on paper. You can always take a photo of what you've done and share this with me through a comment on the post, or via Hwb email.

Literacy - creating a digital book

Maths - identifying regular and irregular polygons

Expressive Arts - Zendoodle animals

Music - listen to and appraise music of different genres

Spellings were also uploaded yesterday - remember to learn, and ask someone at home to test you at the end of the week.

I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes per day on j2blast to really become confident with your times tables - this can be practising, live challenges, or a mixture of both. It's great to see that lots of you have been on since last week, and I'll be interested to keep an eye on who's taking top spot on the leaderboard!

Parents, we have also been looking at apps to support well being in upper key stage 2 children, especially as they may be using phones and social media more often than usual. One app we have found is the BBC Own It app, available to download for free for both Apple and Android. If anyone does use it we would really like to hear how it works.

Take care and stay safe, and keep up the great work!

Miss Powell

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