Sunday, 29 March 2020

Year Three Spelling: Week Commencing 30.3.20

Please find below your words for the coming week. Well done to those of you last week who shared your sentences and results with was lovely to see! Particularly well done to those of you who challenged your self to a different colour spellings and had great results. Bendigedig!

Don't forget to ask someone to check (test) you on last weeks words. 
Write your new words into a sentence. Use a dictionary to check for the meaning if you are unsure. 

Each day, complete a spelling journal activity to help you remember how to spell your words, such as:

- pyramids
- spell a medoodle
- rainbow words
- crosswords
- shapes

but halt always almighty loaves
cut malt away almost leaves
gut salt display alone knives
hut belt holiday altogether halves
nut  Celt today always ourselves
the smelt play alright scarves
where want laugh sheaves

Good luck!

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