Thursday, 26 March 2020

Reception Home Learning 27.3.20

Reception Class 27.3.20

To the Parents and children of Reception Class.

Thank you once again for the lovely messages and work that you have been sharing. It does cheer me up, and I can see in these uncertain times that you are working so hard. I hope you (parents), are all enjoying being teachers!

On a Friday we usually have a quick recap of RWI words and then do something a little different. So here goes-


Create a home school! Invite your siblings and favourite toys for the session.  Support your child to plan- Your child will be the teacher and you will have to sit cross legged in front of them. Perhaps you could help them create a register. Your child calls your name and you say boreda Mr/Miss………… and say whether you are dinners or sandwiches. Your child should help you out with the correct welsh vocabulary. I thought it would be a good idea if the children recapped their learning with you. Perhaps they could show you the sounds they have learnt this week. Then you can all count back from different starting points. Your child can show you how they can count back 1 practically and record the answers. Perhaps you could do some sums that your child has set you. Then what about snack and play time together. This is a good way of creating a familiar role play, which will encourage feelings of security and safety. Also good for confidence building. I have done this a few times in class and it will make you all laugh. Sometimes I have been the annoying child who wants the toilet and keeps interrupting. Send me some pics!!


Sorting and counting.

When you do the washing over the weekend encourage your child to do a little sorting and counting. Perhaps after the clothes have been washed your child can sort them into tops, socks, trousers etc. Can you arrange in order of size. Use the language- bigger than, smaller than, the same as etc. How many different colours are there? Are their different shades of the same colour? Show your child what you are doing when you put the washing machine on. Where you put the detergent and conditioner. What you do when you actually put the machine on. How long does the cycle last? When you get the washing in, perhaps your child can guess how pegs were used. Then count accurately. Was your guess nearly right? Perhaps the adult can write-




etc. So your child can fill in the missing numbers.

All Children-Can do most of the activity, might need some help with counting accurately. Practise your number formation too.

Most-What type of clothing has the biggest number? Are there any items that have the same number?

Challenge- Choose 2 items of clothing and add them together. Choose 2 items of clothing and then take 1 away. How many? Can you do this without having to count all the clothing that is left? Make a sum to record what you have done.

Mindfulness- Try to increase the time by a few minutes everyday and make the most of the sunshine.


With adult support can you use the scissors to cut some grass? Cutting skills is really good for fine motor skills. Can you make a picture with the grass? Can you try to sort the grass from shortest to longest? Can you make some grass soup? If you have an allergy to grass perhaps you can do this with sticks or something from the garden.


Recap these language patterns-

Boreda- Good morning

Prynhawn da- Good afternoon

Nos da – Goodnight

Pwy wyt ti? How are you? Respond by saying bendigedig (fantastic), wedi blino (tired) or da iawn diolch (very well thank you).

My email address is- if you need to contact me.

Have a lovely weekend and keep up the hard work.

Mrs Miles

 "I've learned how to be in the present" "How? asked the boy.

"I find a quiet spot and shut my eyes and breathe".

Charlie Mackesy


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