Wednesday 8 July 2020

Year 2 Thursday 9 July 2020

Literacy and Topic 

Year 1 and Year 2 will continue the last two sessions with Colette from The Wye & Usk Foundation. Your activities from the sessions have been wonderful,  so today we will take part in  session 5. All the activities can be found at: 

Session 5: The Food Chains- What We Eat! 

Rivers are wonderful but they can be dangerous places, so you need to THINK SAFETY and NEVER go near water on your own.  

Healthy rivers are home to lots of wonderful wildlife, all of which is linked together by food chains.  

All the creatures, predators, prey and grazers in the river all have to find food to survive, every living thing is there can be somebody's meal! 

You will need: Paper, Pens and a look at the video clip ( 

Draw and label your own river food chain.  

Name 2 predators of salmon in the river?  

Write or record or tell a grown up a sentence that describes a river food chain and uses the word "prey" in it?  

Imagine that you are a creature in the river …. write/record, act out or draw a diary entry which describes one day in your life.  

Think about where in the river you live, how you move, how you find your food and how you avoid getting eaten. 


To measure in grams and kilograms
Just like with the ml and l activity, we will use both sessions from BBC lessons which can be found here
Before starting the activities, recap ml and l. Now consider what we might measure in grams and kilograms. Which one is heavier? How many grams are in 1 kg? You may decide to do a few conversions e.g. how many g in 4kg? etc. Use items around the house to physically see the difference in weight. You may also allow your child to measure out some ingredients- if you're baking or cooking or not or even just for practice. If you have old utensils you might let them take it outside to make some form of mud pie or nature potion using both g/ kg/ kl/ ml. Can they write down the ingredients they used? It is good for them to read scales both digital and non digital so either of these are fine. 
Once you have done this work through the activities on the 2 links above. 


This week we see the launch of 'Children's Art Week'. In 2020, Children's Art Week will take place online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme. This week the theme is: Connecting Generations. Bringing adults and children together! Whether through shared activities, letter writing or creative activities that focus on a historical event. 
There are lots of links that you might like to look at by following this link: here you will see information on a variety of activities that you might like to try. 
Today we are going to focus on the Create 1 2 3 leaflets to create works of art from home. Use materials from around the house to enjoy creating works of art with your family. 


Mrs. Hassall 

Ar gyfer yr unigolyn y cyfeirir yr e-bost hwn ato yn unig y mae'r neges a'r atodiadau sydd ynghlwm.
Os ydych wedi derbyn y neges e-bost hon drwy gamsyniad, rhowch wybod i'r anfonwr a'i dileu'n barhaol o'ch system. Os oes cynnwys yn y neges e-bost hon sy'n bersonol neu os oes ynddi gynnwys nad yw'n gysylltiedig â gwaith Llywodraeth Cymru, ysgolion, y consortia addysg rhanbarthol neu unrhyw awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru, nid ydym yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb am gynnwys o'r fath nac atebolrwydd drosto. Gallai data mewn negeseuon e-bost sy'n cael eu hanfon dros y rhyngrwyd gael eu llygru, neu gallai negeseuon gael eu darllen cyn iddynt gyrraedd pen eu taith neu gael eu diwygio heb awdurdod; nid oes gennym unrhyw reolaeth dros hyn.
Nid ydym yn atebol am unrhyw feirysau cyfrifiadurol a allai fod yn y neges hon nac am unrhyw golledion yn sgil feirysau. I gael gwybodaeth am y sail a ddefnyddir ar gyfer casglu gwybodaeth bersonol drwy, ewch i, ac i weld telerau defnydd y wefan, ewch i

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