Thursday, 21 May 2020

Reception Home Learning 21.5.20

Reception Class Thursday 21st May

To the Parents and children of Reception Class.

 "I've realised why we are here," whispered the boy.

"For cake?" asked the mole.

"To love," said the boy.

"And be loved," said the horse.

Charlie Mackesy


Mrs Garbett's Group.

Recap previous sounds/words

Sound- ou  (shout it out).

Words- shout, loud, round and found

Words to read over the week- I, said, of, no, have (HFW). Big, chip, bag, had, chips, lots, got and lot.

 Sentence- Make the sentence easier if required.

Kim had a big bag, but no chips.


Mrs Evans group.

Recap previous sounds.

We then repeat speed set 2 sounds as children need to have this embedded before commencing speed set 3.

New sound- oo (poo at the zoo)

Words- mood, fool, pool and spoon.

Words to learn over the week- the, your (HFW). Cat  with  black  thin  fish.

Sentence- Sit with the green frog.

Mrs Miles group.

Recap previous words especially word time 6. We will start word time 7 this week. If you feel your child cannot cope with this, please repeat and start at word time 2.

Sounds to focus on- w  th  z  ch  qu  x  ng  nk

Word time 7

Words to learn- flop trip well

Words to learn for the week- I  the  mat  on  sit  hat  pin  a 

Sentence- Get a hat. Get a hen.

(Please remember a capital letter at the beginning, tall, short letters, and a full stop at the end).

Don't forget the- high frequency words. Perhaps learn 3 or 4 a week and just keep recapping.

I  go  come  went  a  was  look  there  are  we  and  me  like  going  she  they  my  see  on  away  this  play  no  yes  for  can  he  am  all  you  said  to  day  there



Don't forget to practise your number formation.

Make some F/C for counting in 10's up to 100. Begin with counting up to 50 first.

All Children- Can you guess what number I have? Using numbers 0-6, describe a number to your child. For eg. If you choose number 5, you could say I am bigger than 4, I am less than 6.


Most Children- Use number F/C up to 12 and complete above activity.

Challenge- Play guess the number but you can only say more than or less than. So if you have the number 12 and your child says 10, you say more than. Swap over to play this with your child. If you have older siblings, they might like to play this game.



To know that the human body can move in a variety of ways.

Think about different types of exercise. It might be riding your bike, swimming, skate boarding, skipping etc. Think about the parts of your body you use to move. Draw/paint a picture of your favourite exercise and record the parts of your body that you use. I use my legs and arms to ride my bike. (Try to make it simple). If your child is reluctant to just have a go and write, perhaps you could write the sentence and your child write it underneath.

Creative- This will be over the week as you can't rush this. After half term, (yes it is half term next week!), we will start creating some designs and I can't wait.

We are going to study the artist Wasilly Kandinsky. He was a Russian artist born a very long time ago. Kandinsky paintings are very abstract. He loved working with lines, colour and shape. He had a rare condition called synaesthesia. This is where he could see colour in music and heard music when he painted. Think about different instruments that your child would recognise- guitar, recorder, violin, tambourine, piano etc. When you hear those instruments, what colour comes to mind? Perhaps you could play some instrumental music for your child and encourage them to close their eyes and listen. Can you see any pictures as the music is playing? What colours can you see? There is plenty of music online that you could use. Classical music is very good for this Beethoven, Mozart etc. What I would like you to do now as a family is to have a big sheet of paper. You can use an odd roll of wallpaper, an empty box or even do on the path in your garden! Get a mixture of paints or some colouring pencils. Obviously paints would work better. Then after listening to the music a couple of times and having discussions about what you can hear, see, visualise. Don't forget to model so that your child has some ideas. For e.g. I can see a horse galloping through a muddy field. Then I can see a little tiny mouse peering over a log etc. Just be really creative and over the top. Don't be surprised if your child copies your thoughts that is absolutely fine. Use lots of adjectives and verbs to describe what is going on in your thought process. I will make artists of you all!!

Play the music again and just all go wild with the colours of the paint to make an abstract creation. Don't be afraid to mix up the colours and create various shades. I can't wait to see them. After you have completed your creation, talk about how the music made you feel and why you have used particular colours. At this stage it is just about using your creativity rather than painting specific objects.



I am alert- Place your hands under your shoulders, knees under hips.

I am supple- Breathe in to arch your back and raise your head.

I am fluid and strong- Breathe out to round your back and look at your belly button.

I am a cat- Lean back on your chins and stretch your arms forward.

What kind of cat are you? Are you wild? Do you climb trees? Are you someone's pet?

Are you graceful, playful, quiet or focused?

Weekly Welsh

Numbers- Practise counting daily. Perhaps when you are completing our maths activities, you can use some welsh numbers.

Un-  1

Dau-  2

Tri-  3

Pedwar- 4

Pump- 5

Chwech- 6

Saith- 7

Wyth- 8

Naw- 9

Deg- 10

Undeg un- 11

undeg dau- 12

My email address is- if you need to contact me.

Thank you and keep yourselves safe.

Mrs Miles


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