Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Year 6 Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning, Yr 6

Today's activities are on Google Classroom from 9am along with the Space topic activities for this week. Some have messaged me to say you don't have the materials at home - don't worry and please don't buy anything. Just have a look for anything else and change the activity to suit you - it's fine so please don't worry.

Literacy - to create a PowerPoint using the research relating to the astronaut Tim Peake
Numeracy - to calculate the volume of cubes
Topic - present information of The Hubble Telescope, build your own space craft using junk materials, make a pin wheel galaxy, grow crystals, learn about using robots in space. Remember these are available all week for you to complete when is easiest for you to complete.

Try and remember to complete your 15 minute daily activities of reading, spelling journals and times tables. After speaking with you I know many of you are really focussing on learning your tables so keep it up. You could use TT Blast or Hit the button if you have access to a laptop.

As it's Wednesday remember you need to complete your handwriting- this week write three interesting sentences about Space.

Remember if you need to ask a question then send me an email. I would love to keep seeing your learning including any other activities you might complete so please keep sending me your work.

Mrs Cotton

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