Friday 22nd May 2020
Thank you for all the fantastic work this half term. I was amazed by the wonderful volcanoes you made and by the hard work you have put in. I've really enjoyed seeing it all. I can't believe we only have half a term left! Have a great break and stay safe.
High Frequency Spellings
decade, decide, describe, define, different, difficult, disappear, distance, distant, donation.
Friday: Ask someone to test you
L.O: To carry out a project on your favourite author
You can spend the rest of the week on this as well as some of your time over the Half Term. I am not expecting the work to be completed until June 3rd.
Here are a list of the things I would like you to carry out over the next two weeks:
1) Create a biography of the author including age, birth date, place of birth, where they live, early life, family, any other careers, awards they have won and other interesting facts.
2) Create a table including their books and the year they were released
3) Design an alternative cover for your favourite book by that author
4) Write a letter to the author explaining why you like their work
5) Make your own comic strip using just a part of your favourite story by the author
Please log in to Big Maths and carry out the CLIC challenges.
Over the next three days, gather information on the types of birds you see.
Once you have done this enter the information into a table and barchart on Jit. This can be found by logging on to Hwb, then J2e and then Jit. Choose charts then bar chart. Save your work to Hwb so I can see it.