Wednesday 6th May 2020
Spellings: Use the crossword activity.
Literacy: To recognise and use homonyms
Homonyms are words that are spelt or pronounced the same but have different meanings.
The activity is on Google classroom
Warm up: TT Blast
To revise the properties of 3D shapes
A 3D shape has 3 dimensions: length, width and height. There are 3 separate worksheets. Remember that Vertices are the corners.
The activity is on Google classroom
Welsh: To create fact files
Look at the examples of fact files on famous Welsh people. Then choose another Welsh actor/ singer/ sports star to create a fact file on.
The activity is on Google classroom
Humanities: To know where countries are in the world
You will find a map of the world below. Use an atlas or the internet to label it with the given countries.
Bronze Level – Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy
Silver Level – The above plus Spain, Egypt, India, Argentina, Russia and China
Gold level – All the above plus another 6 countries of your choice. Also Label the continents as an extension