Sunday, 3 May 2020

Reception Home Learning 4.5.20

Reception Class Monday 4th May

To the Parents and children of Reception Class.

Share your calm, share your strength, and share your laughter with your children. No children are ahead and no children are behind. Your children are exactly where they need to be. 

"The best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while."

Don't forget there is Storytime every Monday, Wednesday and Friday with Nick at 2pm. This is on the RWI site.

In preparation for VE Day, I will plan some activities to celebrate this important day- Friday 8th May


Mrs Garbett's Group.

Recap previous sounds.

New sound- oy (toy for a boy).

Words- toy, boy and enjoy

Sentence- I will enjoy my food.

Mrs Evans group.

Recap previous sounds.

New sound- oo (look at a book)

took, look, book and shook.

Sentence- Can I look at a book?

Mrs Miles group.

Recap previous words.

Word time 6 is quite tricky as some words have more than 3 letters.

New words- thin, zap and chop. Don't forget to identify special friends.

Read the words above and then write them down.

Don't forget the- high frequency words. Perhaps learn 3 or 4 a week and just keep recapping.

I  go  come  went  a  was  look  there  are  we  and  me  like  going  she  they  my  see  on  away  this  play  no  yes  for  can he  am  all  you  said  to  day  there



Draw these shapes for your child- square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon and a circle. Talk about how many sides and points each shape has. What is the difference between a square and a rectangle?

All Children- Play shape detectives. Find as many rectangles, squares, circles and triangles in your home and outside. Draw them in your book and label them with support from an adult.

Most Children- Use natural materials to create as many shapes as you can.

Challenge- Feely Box. Place some shapes into a box and encourage your child to feel the shapes and tell you what shape they think it is. Repeat with all the shapes. Perhaps then an adult could describe the shape and your child could name the shape.


Rationing food during the war.

Discuss with your child some of the foods that were in short supply during the war- butter, sugar, bacon, ham, cheese, jam, meat, eggs, milk, tea, sweets, breakfast cereals etc. Which food would you miss the most? There wasn't any big supermarkets so you had to visit several shops to buy your food. What different shops do you think they had?


Make a hat to wear on VE Day out of newspaper. See instructions on    



I sit tall and hug myself- Hug your knees, feet on the ground.

I lean back- Put your arms behind your back, toes pointed.

I am strong enough to leave the land- Lift up your legs.

I float on the water- Stretch out your arms and balance.

In boat pose, feel and engage[DM1]  your core, right in your belly. When you think you can't keep holding the pose, stay for 2 more breaths, and see what happens.

Weekly Welsh

Following on from last week-Think about the foods you would like to eat to celebrate VE Day.

Beth wyt ti'n hoffi? (What would you like?).

Answer dw i'n hoffi……… (I like….)

Make a list of the foods. Draw them and write the names of food. Try to use initial sounds or part of the word. 

My email address is- if you need to contact me.

Thank you and keep yourselves safe.

Mrs Miles



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