Sunday, 3 May 2020

Year 2 Monday 4 May 2020

Welcome back to another week of home learning! Friday 8th May is the 75th anniversary of VE Day which is a bank holiday. Activities this week will be linked to VE Day with the idea of hopefully having your own VE party on Friday. 

To find out about VE Day 
What is VE Day? Discuss with your child the meaning behind this day, what people did etc. Look through the powerpoint on the Year 2 shared folder on HWB, discussing anything as you go. You may feel your child doesn't need to know everything about the War, so it is up to you how much they know. The children are often very interested in these topics and it is also good History for them to learn about, so if you're happy, then go with the flow and see where they take you with it. There are then 2 reading comprehensions also on the Year 2 shared folder on HWB to complete which will help with their understanding- one is a generic VE Day comprehension and the other is more specific to the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Please try and complete both if possible. If you find your child is really interested in this topic then please feel free to look at the gold activity as there will be more in-depth information. Even if they don't answer all of the questions. 

Bronze- 1 star
Silver- 2 star
Gold- 3 star 

To crack morse code problems
Explain to children what morse code is and when/ why it was used. Here is a link with some information on if you need it 
The children will have a code breaking activity where they have to work out the sentences given using the morse code. The alphabet sheet is included with the activity. This is on the Year 2 shared folder on HWB. 
Extension- write your own sentences in morse code for somebody to solve 

To create/ decorate bunting 
It would be lovely if you could have a mini VE party on Friday at home, where the children help to make/ serve lunch or tea as well as decorate the table/ house. We will look at this in more detail throughout the week, however it would be lovely if they could colour/ make/ decorate some bunting as part of the decoration. On the Year 2 shared folder on HWB are some bunting templates you can colour/ cut, however you may wish to decorate and make your own using the blank template. If you can, attach them to string or something that you can hang them with. See how many you can make. 

Mrs. Hassall