Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Year 1 Wednesday 8th July

This week we are going to look at a different story. We are looking at, “There’s an alien in your book” by Tom Flecher. I tried something a little different and had my little one help with the story, hope everyone doesn’t mind. As the English task is an inference/prediction task could you please pause the English video on the front cover and complete the task first.  


English and Topic-your own story

I would like you to create your own story for a young child following the pattern of the book. Instead of an alien you will need to create your own creature. It could be your favourite animal, a monster or fantasy creature like a fairy/gnome etc. this video shows a simple way to create a homemade booklet. Alternatively you could create an ebeek using Jit 5 and the mix tab.

  •  Bronze. Choose your own creature and create 1 page. Don’t forget to include an action for your reader. (Flap the book, whisper to the giant ETC)
  • Bronze topic. Can you add a drawing of your creature?


  • Silver. Create your own story, concentrating on action words.
  • Silver topic. Add illustrations for each page. It would be great if you could show your creature reacting to the actions you are asking the reader to do.


  • Gold. Add a front cover. Remember this includes your name as the author and illustrator.
  • Gold topic. The front cover needs to be colourful and exciting to entice the reader to look at the book.


Maths-quarters and halves. We shall use the games on activity 3 to explore quarters and halves

  •  Bronze. Game 5 Shading fractions. Have a go at shading in halves and quarters. You might need to explain the symbol for half and a quarter.
  • Silver. Game 4 fraction shapes. Remember for it to be a half it needs to be two equal pieces. A quarter needs to be 4 equal pieces.
  • Gold. Game 9-beat the clock


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