Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Year 3 July 9th

Thursday 9th July 2020


High Frequency Spellings:

joint, judge, juice, junior, juggle, journal, journey, jealous, junction, jewellery.

Wednesday: Crossword activity

Thursday: Spellamedoodle activity

Friday: Ask someone to test you


To plan a poem including simile, metaphor and alliteration. It can be about chocolate, it's up to you.



Warm up: TT Blast

L.O: To add near multiples of 10 mentally

 45 + 19 This time round to 20 then subtract 1 from that answer. So 45 + 20 = 65. Take away 1 = 64

Bronze Level

1)      43 + 9 =

2)      52 + 19 =

3)      74 + 19 =

4)      83 + 9 =

5)      78 + 19 =


Silver Level

1)      59 + 9 =

2)      64 + 19 =

3)      78 + 19 =

4)      81 + 29 =

5)      96 + 9 =

Gold Level

1)      87 + 19 =

2)      96 + 29 =

3)      123 + 39 =

4)      145 + 48 =

5)      267 + 57 =


Use the Joe Wicks workout

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