Well done Year Six you have worked so hard and we have completed our transition work 'Yr Ysgol'. This week choose a couple of the tasks from the menu, made by one of our colleagues at Overmonnow. I know you have some Welsh transition work from MCS so try and do a little bit from each over the week to keep your Welsh on the boil.
Use the following link to access the resources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTdZNzClW4tlH3WR0X5sdloA4s3d1gSJzBrQV5DgT1eNwl2somxw-6FIne-qOZKE-y9VFCOkJytmQ1G/pub?start=false&loop=true&delayms=60000&slide=id.p