Tuesday 5 May 2020

Wednesday home learning year 1

Topic. Create your own observation hide

In our maths group we are going to do a wilderness survey of our garden. As you know from reading Fantastic Mr Fox animals are very shy. I would like you to create your own hide. This is like a den where you can "hide" away from the animals. The best hides...

  •  Look natural. Can you cover with leaves or can you use natural colours like greens and browns?
  • Have a peep hole where you can look out to spot the animals
  • Has room for you to sit and make notes of the animals you spot.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb-KNZ87YyU is a simple shelter video


  • Bronze. Create your own observation hide using any resources you have available
  • Silver. Can you improve your chance to observe animals? (creating a bird feeder or animal hotel) https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/makes/bird-feeder
  • Gold. How can we observe the animals without scaring them?  Think of some ways we can watch the animals without disturbing them (remaining quiet, don't touch them, be careful not to destroy their homes, stay downwind so they cant smell you ETC)

(You can do this indoors and watch an animal documentary if you don't have a garden.)


Maths. Using tally charts

Following on from our counting in 5s lesson we will look at tally charts. Tally charts are a way to organise sets of data into groups of 5 to make counting easier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adaIPOILm88 is a video that helps explain tally marks. I recommend that when you introduce tallys to your children you practice by giving them a set amount of physical objects (pegs, pencils ETC) and have them practice doing the tally marks first.

  •  Bronze. Create a wilderness tally chart where you tally all the animals that appear in your garden/see from a window. If you don't find many in an hour you could go on a minibeast hunt or look at plants as well.
  • Silver. How many groups of 5 do each of your animals have? (for example a tally of 23 would have 4 groups of 5) For those struggling with this question you can give them objects that represent each tally mark that they separate into groups of 5.
  • Gold. Use this tally chart game to answer some tally questions. Remember to use your counting in 5s understanding to help. https://www.softschools.com/math/data_analysis/tally_chart/


English-Making statement sentences with correct punctuation

Today we are going to focus on the most common and basic sentence. Making a statement. A statement starts with a capital letter, ends in a full stop or exclamation mark and tells the reader a fact or opinion. We are going to use BBC Bitesize lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhr7mfr to help us.

  •  Bronze. Try to explain what a statement sentence is and what it needs then give example statement sentences. This could be on your opinion of Fantastic Mr Fox, what the weather is like or any other topic you can think of.
  • Silver. This is similar to activity 2 so you can choose to do that activity or write 4 statements about the story Fantastic Mr Fox. I would like one of the sentences to use an exclamation mark instead of a full stop.
  • ·         Gold. Complete activity 3, writing a postcard. Again you could pretend you have visited the animals that are living in Fantastic Mr Fox's hole instead of Antarctica.