Thursday, 23 April 2020

Reception Home Learning 24.4.20

Reception Class Friday 24th April

To the Parents and children of Reception Class.

I hope you have all survived another week of online learning. The weather has been lovely, so at least we can all get outside. I do understand that a lot of you are also trying to juggle working as well, which must be a challenge. I hope you are finding the activities useful and manageable. Please contact me for any reassurance or if you require further explanation about something.


Perhaps you could help your child to make a Birthday card for Captain Tom. I know he has already received many, but it is much easier to get your child to write if they have a purpose. So let's go for it and create a colourful and cheerful picture, perhaps some flowers, rainbows; or I know some of you could have a go at drawing Captain Tom on his endless walk.  If you draw lines on the inside of the card so your child can form the tall and short letters correctly. The address for Captain Tom Moore is- 

                                                               C/O Post Office Limited

                                                               67 Bedford Rd.

                                                               Marston Moretaine



                                                                MK43 0LA


 Numeracy- Data

Can you create a pictogram on Hwb to determine your family's favourite fruit?

Make a list of- banana, (banana, spelling is the same), afal (apple), oren (orange) and mefus (strawberry). Perhaps you can make a list using about 10 people. Can you ask grandparents, aunties etc? Then if you log in on Hwb, click on Justoeasy and then jit 5 which is on the right hand side of the screen. Then click on pictograph to create your own.  

All children- Create a pictograph using numbers up to 10.

How many people like afal? How many like banana?

How many like mefus? How many like oren?

Most children- Use numbers to 15. Which fruit is the most/least popular? How many like mefus and afal? Record this as a sum. Repeat with other numbers.

Challenge- Use numbers to 20. As above but add 3 fruits together. What is the difference between the most and least popular fruit? Record as a subtraction sum.

If you are not sure of the correct welsh pronunciation, you can google it. For eg. Oren welsh translation, and if you press the sound image, you can hear it. 


Wild Stories

Perhaps you could do this in 2 teams, if there are enough family members. Otherwise just create one. Using some sticks, make a frame on the ground. Then using different materials, tell a familiar story. For eg. Make a caterpillar and a butterfly with various materials (The Hungry Caterpillar), three bowls of porridge etc. Can you guess what each other has made?

Yoga- Dancer

·         I lengthen my spine, I breathe deeply. Stand tall in a mountain pose.

·         I am ready to dance. Hold 1 ankle and lift the other arm.

·         I move with finesse. Bend forward as you press your leg up and back.

·         I am a graceful dancer. Arch, lift and extend.

What is finesse? How does it differ from force?

When you balance, you are always moving and changing, even if you can't see it. Don't freeze. If you lose your balance, just start again.

 "What is the bravest thing you've ever said?" asked the boy.

"Help", said the horse.

Charlie Mackesy

My email address is- if you need to contact me.

Thank you. Have a lovely weekend and don't work too hard!

Mrs Miles



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