Year 5 23.04.20
As you all know by now, today's tasks will be available on Google Classroom from 9am, with full instructions and any resources you might need
Maths - comparing fractions of amounts
Literacy - completing persuasive letter. Edit and redraft.
Read Theory
Don't forget your topic activities - these can be completed throughout the week when it suits you
Health and Well-being - create a yoga routine. Keep a fitness diary.
ICT - Online safety
Humanities - timeline linked to space
Science and Technology - keep a moon diary
Music - see assignment on Yumu
Some of you are doing really well on j2blast - this is going to help you develop much quicker recall of times table/ division facts, which will make your other Maths work much easier!!
Please also continue with daily reading - at least 10 to 15 minutes a day ideally. This could be a book, a magazine, a newspaper or even a website such as Newsround.
Take care and stay safe
Miss Powell