Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Year 5 22.04.20

It's great to see you all back online and engaging with your learning after the Easter break.

This term our topic is 'Blast off – a journey into space!' - please let me know if you have any ideas for learning within our topic, as you would if we were in school, and we can try to fit them in.

Today's tasks will be available on Google Classroom from 9am, with full instructions and any resources you might need

Maths - solving word problems involving fractions
Literacy - writing a persuasive letter
I have also posted a link on Google Classroom to the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons - today there is a a lesson on The Solar system, which fits perfectly with our topic! Obviously these resources are all new,so please let us know your thoughts on them.

Don't forget your topic activities - these can be completed throughout the week when it suits you
Health and Well-being - create a yoga routine. Keep a fitness diary.
ICT - Online safety
Humanities - timeline linked to space
Science and Technology - keep a moon diary
Music - see assignment on Yumu

I would also like you to spend at least 10 minutes per day on j2blast to really become confident with your times tables - this can be practising, live challenges, or a mixture of both. 

Please also continue with daily reading - at least 10 to 15 minutes a day ideally. This could be a book, a magazine, a newspaper or even a website such as Newsround.

Miss Powell

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