Wednesday, April 29th 2020
Good Morning.
Here are the activity levels for your work as a reminder:
Bronze – all complete Silver – additional challenge Gold Level - Higher challenge Literacy: Spellings and their related activity are on Google. |
L.O: To plan a discussion text April 29th
Welsh: Describing others continued
Last week we looked at verbs to say what someone is doing. This week we are going to look at other sentences using the third person.
Art - To be able to carefully observe and record details from real life objects using line drawings.
Collect a selection of natural objects, e.g. plants, seed pods, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, vegetables. Carefully observe the shapes and textures of the objects using magnifying glasses to find interesting qualities. Have a go at sketching the object complete with the shapes, patterns and any shading. Once it's done ask yourself how could you improve it and sketch again. Please make sure you don't use a ruler.