Sunday, 19 April 2020

Year 1 Monday 20.04.20

Hope you all had a good Easter break. BBC Bitesize are offering guided lessons for all age groups starting from today. I do not know the exact content as it is a new service but they offer lessons covering maths, English and a variety of topics so please feel free to check out their website if you want additional lessons.


Topic: Looking at architecture.

To understand that architecture is the art of designing of buildings.

Show the children this video

to give them a taste of some unusual architecture.  As with any work establish prior understanding and ask them what they think architecture is.


Architecture is the art of designing buildings

People who design buildings are called architects. 


I have created a folder with 3 pictures of buildings Ask the children what they think the different purposes of the buildings could be and why they are designed the way they are. They pick one of the buildings to sketch.


Bronze: Sketch one of the chosen buildings and label the name and location.


Silver : label some of the features they can see, large arched windows, a triangular roof ETC.


Gold: Research the building using encyclopedia Britanncia. What is the purpose of the building and why was it made this way? 


Extension. Find your own famous/interesting buildings. Can you create a 3d model using different materials such as marshmellows and spaghetti, Lego or clay/mud.


Maths: I understand how to partition a two digit number.

This week we will be looking at place value and splitting/partitioning a two digit number into tens and ones. (so 63 would be split into 6 tens and 3 ones, see this website for more details


To start with I would like the children to get used to the idea that a two digit number is made up of tens and ones. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use


Bronze: Explore the arrow cards programme, count as high as they can and make sure they keep using the ones plus sign to add as they count in ones. What happens to the blocks when they get to a new ten?  They can create their own 2 digit numbers. What do they notice about the number of yellow ten blocks and the number of red one blocks? We tell the children that when we write a two digit number the ones covers the zero but it doesn't go away. (You can demonstrate this using the arrow card online by clicking on the number cards and they separate out)


Silver: They recreate at home using physical resources like sticks and stones to represent tens and ones and write the partition number sum. (They can do this outside using chalk or paint) An example is given below.


l l l l . . . = l l l l   +   . . . 

43                         =         40          +          3



Gold: once they have done 3 or 4 examples ask them does it matter if you swap the numbers round? EG 23 to 32. What happens to the yellow and red bricks? 


English: Questions and statements


To keep up with your childs Phonic understanding it would be useful if you could use the RWI youtube lessons available to go through the suitable sounds for your child. If you are unsure please message me and I will help explain which sounds your child should be practicing.


We would of started a new topic around how things work/how things are made which is a topic the children decided on at the beginning of term. This is a very broad area so I would like the children to come up with one question on what they would be interested in discovering and one statement to explain why. To give some ideas we could look at how authors make a story, how planets are formed, how animals and plants are "made" for their environment ETC.

My example.

How Is Ice cream made?

I have always loved Ice cream, Mint choc chip is my personal favourite. I would be really excited to look at how to make my own. 


Bronze. 1 simple question with suitable punctuation and correct capital letters-may need to discuss question marks


Silver. 1 statement that gives a basic explanation.


Gold. They self read to check for any errors.