Year 4 28.4.20
Time for Tuesday learning!
Your literacy and numeracy are scheduled to be live from 9am on google classroom for tomorrow, with instructions how to complete each activity.
Numeracy will be carrying on with factors. There will be a bronze, silver and gold activity today and the answers are there for you to check your work.
Literacy will build on yesterday's work about non chronological reports. You will be making notes for a report about a planet in our solar system.
Remember to look at your five topic based activities, we know some of you have been really enjoying the scratch activity.
Don't forget your spellings, reading and Welsh. A suggested activity to help with your spellings today is headlines. Try cutting out letters from magazines/newspapers to stick down and create your spellings. Send us a picture of your creations!
Happy learning Year 4 and look after your families,
Mrs Maunder and Mrs Phillips.