Reception Class Thursday 11th June
To the Parents and children of Reception Class.
"Memories are always special.
Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried,
And we cry by remembering the days we laughed..!!
That's life.
This activity to complete over the week.
If you have some bottle tops, please could you write g h i j k l f G H I J K L on each top, then have a go during the week to match the small case letter to the capital letter. Explain to your child that they have a capital letter at the beginning of their name and when we write a sentence. Can you think of anyone that has one of these letters at the beginning of their name?
Mrs Garbett
Speed set 2 sounds are- ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy
Sound- ar (start the car).
Words- part cart shark lark
Words to read over the week- I said the he no you (HFW)
smell nuts egg red jam then hot fish cut bit thank yum put chips rubbed pizza
Sentence- Make the sentence easier if required.
Hot pizza! Said Pip. He cut the pizza up. (Don't worry at this stage using speech marks but you can talk about the question mark and why it is used). Also remind your child about the use of a capital P for Pip.
Don't forget to encourage your child to read the sentence back to you.
Mrs Evans group.
Recap previous sounds.
We then repeat speed set 2 sounds as children need to have this embedded before commencing speed set 3.
New sound- ay (may I play).
Words- tray play lay way
Words to learn over the week- the you I said be of my (HFW).
witch off will whisk then wing moth slug
Sentence- The wing of a moth in the pot.
Mrs Miles group.
Word time 7
We have now completed word time 7 which I know is quite tricky. Always try to recap some of these words. We will now concentrate on these sounds-
sh th ch qu ng nk
So today our new sound is- ch (choo).
Read and write these sounds- chop chin chat
Words to learn for the week- a bed mat wet cat bath on it the
Sentence- Is the wet cat on the mat? (If this is too challenging for your child perhaps you could write –A wet cat and then your child finishes the sentence). Also talk about the use of the question mark.
(Please remember a capital letter at the beginning, tall, short letters, and a full stop at the end).
Don't forget the- high frequency words. Perhaps learn 3 or 4 a week and just keep recapping.
I go come went a was look there are we and me like going she they my see on away this play no yes for can he am all you said to day there
Keep these activities on the boil-
Counting to 20 and beyond
Forming numbers correctly
Identify numbers 10-20
Doubles to 10
Addition to 10
Days of the week
Subtraction to 10
Teen numbers
Recap from yesterday counting to 30 and beyond. How far can you count accurately? Correct errors. Count from different starting points.
All Children- Using the bundle of sticks you have collected, make a number line 10- 20. Remember to count on from 10.
Most Children- Can you help your child to complete this activity using F/C 10-20. So if you have the F/C 14, you hold up your 2 hands showing 5 fingers including your thumbs. Then your child holds up 4 fingers to match the number 14. Repeat with other numbers.
Challenge- Choose a teen number and add 2 by adding on from 10. Can you record 10 sums?
Topic- Over the week.
On your daily exercise can you take some paper and record some of the wild flowers that are appearing everywhere. I'm sure you even have some in your garden. There are ones that are easily identified such as dandelions and daisies. Can you sketch them and write the initial sound by the side? Perhaps you can help your child to find out their correct names? Hopefully by the end of the week you can name 10 wild flowers. Take some close up photos if you can, it will make a lovely display.
Creative- We will do this over 2 days, Wednesday and Thursday.
Let's paint like Kandinsky!!
Hopefully you have another lovely Kandinsky creation! Now we are going to get a piece of A4 paper or card and fold into either 4 or 8 rectangular spaces. Then paint each rectangle a different colour and allow to dry. Then in each rectangle start with a small colour of paint and then surround with another colour until the rectangle is filled up with colourful, circular shapes. Voila, another Kandinsky creation.
Talk about the colours you have chosen. Are you choosing warm colours? Cold colours, or are you just choosing the colours you like? Can you mix some colours together to find a different shade of the same colour? Artists do his a lot. Hopefully next week you will be ready to make a Father's Day card or a card for someone you love in the style of Kandinsky. (Shhhhhhh).
Words to Yourself
Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed.
Are you ever nervous about trying something new because you think you can't do it?
Instead of worrying close your eyes and imagine someone you love encouraging you.
Now talk to yourself in the same way. Use positive words. Tell yourself its okay to try many times when doing something new.
Think about the kind words you would say to a friend who needs your help. Use those same words for yourself.
Open your eyes and smile at yourself at yourself. You are fine just as you are.
Weekly Welsh- Continue with the weather. But can you keep a diary of the weather in welsh. Draw a picture to accompany you weather pattern. For e.g. Monday Mae'n wyntog and draw a picture. Next week we will learn the days of the week in Welsh.
Sut mae'n tywydd? How is the weather?
Respond by saying- Mae'n bwrw glaw. It's raining.
Mae'n heulog- sunny
Mae'n cymylog- cloudy
Mae'n braf- fine
Mae'n Stormus- stormy
Mae'n oer- cold
Mae'n wyntog- windy
My email address is- if you need to contact me.
Thank you and keep yourselves safe.
Mrs Miles