Wednesday 17th June 2020
High Frequency Spellings:
gallery, galore, glorious, grammar, grandmother, grateful, gravity, group, guard, guide
Wednesday: Spiral activity
Thursday: Crossword activity
Friday: Ask someone to test you
Please take a look at the PowerPoint on Samuel that I have reposted for you. It will help with today's work. It is on Google Classroom. Sorry I put the wrong one up. I'm getting cabin fever I think!!!
L.O: To plan a diary entry as a Cocoa bean farmer's child
You can use the PowerPoint from yesterday to help you with the planning of this. You can also use what you have learnt about growing and preparing cocoa beans before they are sent to other countries.
Make a rough copy of what you want to include in the diary. Just write down words or ideas in readiness for tomorrow.
Warm up: please practise x4 and x8 tables
L.O: To answer word problems on adding money
Use the column method from yesterday to answer the word problems.
Bronze Level
Silver Level
Gold level See Google Classroom
Today I would like you to work with an adult. It won't take long but it is for safety.
Ask an adult to pour water into a saucepan. Then place on the cooker and boil. I would like you to write down what you observed. What happened to the amount of water? What happened to the water? Then place a lid on top. What do you see now?
Then find out what evaporation is and what condensation is. You can include this in your conclusion to explain why these things happened in the experiment.