Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Year One- Thursday 25th June 2020


Today we are going to use our skills of speaking and listening skills. You are going to create your own Home School. Think about who will be in your class and what you are going to 'teach' them. Think about the routine in school- can you take the register, tell them a story with a meaning in assembly. Then plan what lessons you will 'teach' them; will you teach them some sounds in RWInc or write a story, number bonds or shapes in numeracy and what will you do for your topic- will you take them outside, maybe even go to forest school. 

During your lesson- think about the use of your voice and the use of clear instructions to help your 'pupils' understand what you would like them to learn today. Think about how important it is for them to listen to the instructions that you give too 

Have fun I'm sure you'll have lots of fun teaching today using your role play skills- I can't wait to see and hear about how you get on! I'm sure your families will enjoy being part of the lessons too! I wonder if you take on the role of any of the staff from Trellech?! 


RWInc will continue to have live lessons via YouTube so they will help us keep our 'sounds on the boil' whilst we are at home.  These will take place daily and can be located via the following link: 

Speed Sounds 1,  2 and 3 are now being repeated so please allow a moment at the start of the lesson to allow them to reload.   


Today we are going to focus on some maths around us, by completing a numeracy bingo card.  

Upload your evidence to your Just2Easy folder...I can't wait to see what you find.  

Challenge yourself to find them all, although some are tricky- can you remember what a sphere is? What is symmetry? I wonder if you can find 'a cute' angle?! (let me know if you find out the meaning to some of these tricky words).  


       Humanities & Well Being  

Important to have a healthy mind so make sure you try some yoga, do an online workout, complete the Daily Mile or go for a good walk. Always crucial to fuel our body with some fresh air! 

Today we will access the Sport Wales Play to Learn Activities once again. In our class folder in Hwb you will find ne story linked to this set of activities called 'The Beach Party'.  

There you can also find an activity to carry out at the level you feel is most accessible for you. (Bronze, Silver and Gold). Today 'Jumping Jade' will help us to Jump with confidence, estimatepredict and measure as well as recognise and name body parts. 

Challenge yourself to measure the length of your jump using standard (cm/ m) or non-standard measures (shoes, leaves etc.. 

Who can jump the furthest in your home? 

This week we see the final week of 30DaysWild for the @wildlifetrusts....use your time to get outside and complete some random acts whilst taking care of your well-being and physical health. Have a go at the Nature Bingo attached- it's similar to the our maths bingo! 

Most importantly, take care, stay safe,  

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