Monday 22nd June 2020
High Frequency Spellings:
handkerchief, hazy, heard, heart, height, heaven, history, historical, human, humorous
Monday: Find the meanings of the words and use them in sentences
Tuesday: Colour trace activity
Wednesday: Blue vowels
Thursday: Pyramid activity
Friday: Ask someone to test you
L.O: To use comprehension skills
Please log in and use read theory today.
Warm Up: TT Blast
L.O: To convert units of capacity
Capacity is the maximum amount something can contain. It is measured in gallons, pints litres and millilitres. We will look at Litres (L) and Millilitres (ml).
There are 1000ml in 1L.
To convert ml to L we divide by 1000. So 2000ml ÷ 1000 = 2L (notice how we have moved the 2 three places to the left. It has moved from thousands column to the units column).
To convert L to ml you carry out the inverse operation, in other words you multiply by 1000. So 5L x 1000 = 5000ml.
Bronze Level –
1) 4000ml = __L
2) 6000ml = __L
3) 9000ml = __L
4) 4L = ______ml
5) 7L = ______ml
Silver Level –
1) 12000ml = ___L
2) 8L = _____ml
3) 17000ml = ___L
4) 16L = _____ml
5) 21000 = ___L
1/2L (0.5L) = 500ml, 1/4L (0.25L) = 250ml
Gold level –
1) 3.5L = _____ml
2) 9.25L = _____ml
3) 1250ml = ___L
4) 19500ml = ___L
5) 5.75L = _____ml
To learn about the names for pets. Access the link below and carry out the tutorial before the activities. Use the phone icon to listen to how they are pronounced.