Tuesday 16th June 2020
High Frequency Spellings:
gallery, galore, glorious, grammar, grandmother, grateful, gravity, group, guard, guide
Tuesday: spellamedoodle activity
Wednesday: Spiral activity
Thursday: Crossword activity
Friday: Ask someone to test you
L.O: To recognise types of sentences
There are four different types of sentence. They are: statement, exclamation, command and question. Watch the PowerPoint and carry out each activity before clicking to the next slide.
See Google Classroom
Warm Up: Number bonds to 100
47 + ? = 100 39 + ? = 100 100 – 72 = ? 100 - ? = 18
L.O: To subtract amounts of money
We are using the column method again today but to subtract.
For example:
£3 . 5 6 No carrying over
- £1 . 2 4
£2 . 3 2
See Google Classroom
Chocolate Topic:
You have found information on where chocolate starts its journey as cocoa beans. Now I'd like you to learn about the lives of young children from Ghana where the cocoa farmers work hard to grow and help us to enjoy chocolate. They have struggled in the past to make much money but now there is something called Fair trade which makes sure they get paid a better wage. Watch the PowerPoint to learn about how their lives have changed.
See Google Classroom