Monday, 1 June 2020

Reception Home Learning 2.6.20

Reception Class Tuesday 2nd June

To the Parents and children of Reception Class.

"I've realised why we are here." whispered the boy.

"For cake?" asked the mole.

"To love," said the boy.

"And be loved," said the horse.

Charlie Mackesy

Just a note if you didn't see yesterday's blog

Next Monday (8th June), the school will be running a Virtual Lockdown Sport Day. Each class will complete 1 activity which will depend on the most popular one chosen. Suggestions are- How long can you balance on 1 leg? How far can you walk with a book on your head? Egg and spoon race etc. I will let you know by the end of the week the activity most of you have voted for. Then if you take a photo of this activity as proof, you will receive 1 house point. Don't forget to dress up in your PE kit!

This activity to complete over the week.

If you have some bottle tops please could you write a  b  c  d  e  f  A  B  C  D  E  F on each top, then have a go during the week to match the small case letter to the capital letter. Explain to your child that they have a capital letter at the beginning of their name and when we write a sentence. Can you think of anyone that has one of these letters at the beginning of their name?


Mrs Garbett

Speed set 2 sounds are- ay  ee  igh  ow  oo   ar  or  air  ir  ou  oy

I know we have completed these sounds 3 times, but it is really important that these sounds are embedded. So your child can read, write and spell words with these sounds. There is plenty of time to complete speed set 3 sounds after speed set 2 sounds are completely embedded. However we will be writing more complex sentences.

Sound- ay (may I play?).

Words- tray  lay  spray

Words to read over the week- I  some  we  all  and  you. (HFW). am  can  tank  big  fish  swim  frog  pond  cat  cats  duck  ducks

 Sentence- Make the sentence easier if required.

I can swim in a tank.


Mrs Evans group.

Recap previous sounds.

We then repeat speed set 2 sounds as children need to have this embedded before commencing speed set 3.

New sound- ar (start the car)

Words- sharp  spark  start  park

Words to learn over the week- you  I  said  of (HFW). Cat  stop  dog  fish  had  pop  that  will  had  is

Sentence- That is a lot of fish.

Mrs Miles group.

Recap previous words especially word time 6. If you feel your child cannot cope with this, please repeat and start at word time 2.

Sounds to focus on- w  th  z  ch  qu  x  ng  nk

Word time 7

Words to learn- slip  best  mess

Words to learn for the week- dog  cat  hid  pot  ran  hot  sun  sat  but  then  the  no

Sentence- A cat in the sun.

(Please remember a capital letter at the beginning, tall, short letters, and a full stop at the end).

Don't forget the- high frequency words. Perhaps learn 3 or 4 a week and just keep recapping.

I  go  come  went  a  was  look  there  are  we  and  me  like  going  she  they  my  see  on  away  this  play  no  yes  for  can  he  am  all  you  said  to  day  there




Continue with the shop activity using 1p  2p  5p  and 10p coins.

All Children- Buy items using a 2p coin and additional 1p coins to make the required amount. So 5p would be a 2p and 3, 1p coins. Or if you are very clever 2, 2p coins and a 1p coin.

Most Children- Buy items above 5p. So that you use a 5p coin and then additional 1p coins.


Challenge- Buy items bigger than 10p, but use different coins. So 11p could be 2, 5p coins and a 1p. Keep the numbers low to begin with.



Fitness- Diary

In preparation for Sports Day, can you create a fitness diary over the week? Encourage your family to join in too. In your book you can write- On Monday I like to run. On Tuesday I like to hop. On Wednesday I like to jump etc. Draw some pictures of what you like to do. What exercise are you looking forward to doing after Lockdown? Try to spell as many words as you can on your own.


Creative- We will do this over 2 days, Monday and Tuesday.

Everything starts with a dot. Wassily Kandinsky.

Can you find out where Kandinsky was born? What was his first job? Do you know what musical instrument he played? Kandinsky felt that he could express feelings and music through colours and shapes in his paintings. What colour do you think of when you are excited? Happy? Sad? Angry? What is your favourite colour? Why?

Can you think of 3 emotions as above and draw a picture in a particular colour to represent those emotions. E.g. A yellow, sunny, happy picture. A green picture of feeling calm and relaxed. Or you can just choose 3 colours, play some classical music and create an abstract picture with no particular theme.




I breathe deeply- Sit with your feet together and knees apart.

I slide inside my shell- Lift your arms then slide them under your knees.

I am protected- Place your hands on the floor outside your feet.

I am a wise turtle- Round your back; reach your head toward your feet.

Turtles always have a safe, quiet space to go inside. So do you! What do you do there?

Turtles also have a strong shell to protect themselves. How do you protect yourself when you are in a difficult situation?

Weekly Welsh

Sut mae'n tywydd? How is the weather?

Respond by saying- Mae'n bwrw glaw. It's raining.

Mae'n heulog- sunny

Mae'n cymylog- cloudy

Mae'n braf- fine

Mae'n Stormus- stormy

Mae'n oer- cold

Mae'n wyntog- windy



My email address is- if you need to contact me.

Thank you and keep yourselves safe.

Mrs Miles

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