Today's tasks , as always, are available in Google Classroom from 9am.
Literacy - using all your senses to describe nature around you
Maths - Theme Park enterprise project
Welsh - reading
Remember to learn your spellings, and ask someone at home to test you at the end of the week.
Our new topic, as chosen by you, is Nature/ wildlife. Your Topic activities or the week are all on Google Classroom, with the details and resources you need
Science and Technology - make a bug catcher and become a wildlife detective
Humanities - take a micro journey through nature
Health and Wellbeing - 60 second challenges
Expressive Arts - nature mandalas
ICT - branching database to classify wildlife
Keep going with j2blast to develop quicker recall of times table/ division facts, which will make your other Maths work much easier!!
Please also continue with daily reading - at least 10 to 15 minutes a day ideally. This could be a book, a magazine, a newspaper or even a website such as Newsround.
Miss Powell