Sunday 22 March 2020

Year 1 Monday 22/03/20

Please note that this will be another long post. As we progress and we find the best manner to communicate these posts shall become streamlined. (Monday will always be bigger then the rest of the week as they shall contain weekly activities as well as daily.)


I have created a hwb class. Please feel free to join.  (Check out this link:

 If your hwb account does not work then please email me and I shall look at it tomorrow (Monday) and get back to you by the end of that day with an update.


Weekly Activities.

Words to read and spell


High frequency words to read, spell and practice handwriting. (ten minutes per day, little and often)

I have created a document that contains the most frequently used words in the English language. (You can view it by going into the year 1 class in hwb.) It would be highly useful if learners learn to read and write these words on "sight". (This means that they don't need to spell them out.) Once they can access these words there writing and reading should be more fluid as opposed to stilted since they will automatically recognise the most common words (These words are used 50% of the time in the English language.) I recommend that you download the yr1 spellings sheet and keep a copy for yourself. The sheet contains further guidance on how to use it alongside suggested activities. (Please note that I am coming to terms with using online resources so I shall provide multiple links in case one way I tried to upload does not succeed.)


Maths number bonds to ten

Another daily ten minute activity. Practicing number bonds to 10 (Number bonds are 2 numbers that together make up a total. So number bonds to 10 would be all the numbers that when added together make ten. We are working towards instant recall. Once the child has instant recall of number bonds to ten this supports all further addition and subtraction. The easiest way to practice is using hit the button. Click on number bonds, then make ten or make twenty for an additional challenge (only if speedy with number bonds to ten) You could create a chart from Monday to Friday and plot the scores to see the improvement.


To make this post less overwhelming we shall also use number bonds to ten for our Monday maths.  for bronze and silver tasks you can use hit the button, for gold I recommend using a 100 square.

Bronze: Number bonds to ten-Support by giving ten counters (or leaves and sticks or anything else physical) so they can physically count.

Silver: Number bonds to twenty. Support as above

Gold: What do you notice is the same between number bonds to ten and twenty? (ie 2 and 12 both need 8, 3 and 13 both need 7 ETC.) Would this be the same for number sums in the 30's?, 40's? Experiment using 100 square to explore the pattern. (To simplify you could choose a column, say 3, and look at how much you need to add to get to the next ten) explain the pattern. (access a 100 square here


Welsh activity: Beth wyt ti'n wisgo? (What are you wearing) Dw'n gwisgo .... (Im wearing)


Most children should be familiar with how to pronounce beth wyt ti'n wisgo as we covered this in the last week.  This website provides online vocabulary for 20 items of clothing as well as games and tests. and click on lessons to start accessing welsh words for clothes.


For offline learning you can print off some words. and ask the children to create a fashion show or roleplay a scene involving lots of clothes, getting them to describe their outfit using Dwi'n gwisgo.


Daily activities:

English: LO. Formal or informal letters?


We will be working towards letter writing this week. Before they can write letters they need to have an understanding of the two main types (formal and informal) as well as the structure of a letter.  so have a scavenger hunt for any examples of letters that you can find.  Collect a supply of different types of letters — both formal and informal and but aside.

Activity: Go through this powerpoint. we speak to policemen and important people. (Put on a formal tone, it should be different from your normal tone, make it exaggerated.) Informal-How we speak to friends. (Again use a informal tone) Work through this powerpoint.

Bronze. Read the letter they colour code  the formal and informal words. (All informal words are red all informal are blue.) Afterwards they have a go at sorting the letters you gathered using the greetings as an aid to sort them

Silver: As above. Can they think of a time when they wrote a informal/formal letter? (Christmas cards, birthday invites, mothers day cards ETC.)

Gold: As above. Having sorted the letters into two groups ask the children to look for differences between the two groups. This allows a discussion to take place about the different types of letter. Draw up a chart for each group covering:

Address — business or private?

Greeting — formal or informal?

Style of letter — friendly or business?

What is the message/whats the point (To thank people, to invite them, to enquire about a service?)

How does the letter end?

Online exemplar of formal.

and informal


Monday will always be PE for topic. Joe the body coach is a brilliant youtube channel and he is providing lessons every day for children because of school closures. I worked at a school that used the body coach during assemblies for a fitness week and the workouts were challenging and motivating. He is great for all ages and his first 30 minute video is 9:00 on Monday the 23rd. Feel free to access his channel everyday at 9 if you wish but I will only be setting it on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mr Carbis




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