Thursday 26 March 2020

Year 2 Friday 27 March 2020

Below are your new spellings to practice throughout the week. Your child knows which colour they are. Remember to get tested before your new words again next Friday. When you practise your spellings, use what you know from school-
Look, say, cover, write, check
Spellamadoodle- draw a squiggly line and write each of your spellings along the line
Pyramids- build a pyramid starting with the first letter, adding a letter each time e.g. then
Sentences- write sentences including your spelling word
Remember if you aren't sure what the word means- use a dictionary to help you 

I have also added onto the Y2 shared folder on HWB, the list of High Frequency words that the children should be familiar with, or increasingly familiar with for reading and spelling. This is something you can also look at throughout this time and even add in to the spelling lists if you wish. 

To use adjectives and adverbs 
Today's Literacy is a grammar session looking at sentences and vocabulary. What is an adjective? What is a verb?What is a noun? What is an adverb? You may want to discuss with your child each of these with some examples. An adjective is a describing word e.g. pink/ pretty/ spotty/ dirty/ bright. A noun is a naming word- so a thing e.g. table, dog. An adverb describes the verb and usually ends in ly! e.g. slowly/ quickly/ carefully. A verb is a doing word e.g. jump/ run/ shout 
The activities are set on the Y2 shared folder on HWB. These activities include correcting sentences- writing the jumbled words in the write order so it make sense including correcting full stops and capital letters. Adding and underlining adjectives in given sentences and also creating sentences using the given verbs and adverbs. 

Bronze- complete the adjectives activity, underlining the adjective and also adding an adjective to a sentence 
Silver- complete the adjectives activity, underlining the adjective and also adding an adjective to a sentence plus the verbs and adverbs activity- choosing from the given examples to create your own sentences. 
Gold- Making sentences and are these sentences correct activity. Put the words in the right order to create sentences as well as also correcting full stops and capital letters. You should also aim to complete the adjectives activity as above and the verbs and adverbs activity. 

Friday's Maths consist of our online Learn its and Clic tests, however I will be adding paper versions onto the Y2 shared folder on HWB instead
Clic tests- the children should have no more than 10-15 minutes maximum to complete these. They can do workings out if need be on the sheet or on a separate sheet. Just a reminder- question 1 is for them to partition the number- so what is the value of each? e.g 36- 3=30 6=6. A lot of the children assume it is halving the number because of the way it is laid out! 
Learn its- these are timed at 30 seconds. The children are used to this so please ensure it is only 30 seconds! The learn its are to develop their quick recall and the sums given are the number facts that the children should be confident with to answer rapidly. 
SAFE- the children haven't yet completed these but they involve other maths covered in school aside from basic number. The children have covered these areas so should be able to answer some. Again I would say no more than 10-15 minutes. 

Bronze- Clic 1/ Learn its 1 / SAFE 1
Silver- Clic 2/ Learn its 2/ SAFE 2 
Gold- Clic 3/ Learn its 3/ SAFE 3 

You are of course welcome to complete all of these challenges if you wish! 

If you wish to complete the uploaded files electronically, you can do so by highlighting the whole of the PDF document and copying and pasting it onto a word document. You are then able to work on the document if you wish. 

To ask and answer questions
The children are to use the Welsh they know to create a conversation between 2 people, asking and answering questions. They may choose to set this out like a text message conversation or script. I have uploaded a word bank to the Y2 shared folder on HWB for any key vocabulary the children may need as well as the questions and answers to include. If there are any other words needed that are not on the wordbank then please feel free to write them in English. The main purpose of this task is to use the sentence constructions for Welsh questions and answers. Remember to open and close your conversation with a greeting and sign off, as given on the wordbank. 

Bronze- include name/ age/ where you live
Silver- include name/ age/ where you live/ what you like and don't like including reasons 
Gold- include name/ age/ where you live/ what you like and don't like including reasons and where you went and who with.

There are also some links which might be useful to look at- 
Youtube-  Music with Myleene Klass. These are aired twice a week with the next one on Friday 27th at You can view these at anytime however. 
Storytime with David Walliams takes place everyday at 11am on his website. 
Andy's wild workouts on BBC- various dances/ movements linked to various topics which can be accessed at anytime  

Have a lovely weekend 
Mrs. Hassall